Such a sensitive portrayal of a dying man, and for such a long amount of screen time. Well imagine my surprise, discomfort and elation when I saw Joe Morton lying on a hospital bed, doing the exact same hyperventilation in an episode of House, the TV show about an antisocial maverick doctor. According to IMDB, the two roles were 14 years apart, yet the performance was uncannily similar.
This begs the question: in how many other roles has Joe Morton expressed bodily anguish through hyperventilation? One? Two? 150? It can't be that many.
Which other Hollywood actors have trademark expressions of pain? We've already witnessed Patrick Swayze's amazing range. What about most unusual crier? Most heartfelt whimper? Further evidence that Joaquin Phoenix is taking acting to a whole nutha level - he's expressed mental anguish through vomiting in We Own The Night. [It's a little known fact that he induced vomiting by eating his agent's weight in halva]

In other news, Artful Science draws attention to a fantastic speech given by David Suzuki about our current predicament. He makes points that are simple, refreshing (because no one else seems to say them) and usually right on the money.