Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas - a time for potency

Let's call this a list. A list of all that's wrong with the world - or to be more precise: my world.

1) Hubert Pabst.

2) My end of workday befouled me.

4a) My left hand is kinked to the left but my right hand is not.

4) I kicked the internet addiction.

5) The world is an perhaps the only amazing place. Perhaps the only place!

5 in 7 days I gotta
say my goodbyes
Brush a coupla cobwebs til they're
outta my eyes

close the door behind me
- cobwebs again
i try not to hate the spiders
cause that's not very zen

Gathering pace and also
gathering heat
kids are waiting for the bus bout halfway down the street

doublecheck the time
cause my memory's shot
turn the corner blind
at the cafe bluetongue spot

check who's on the platty
- buy a special ticket
never have a lollipop
but if i did i'd lick it

see the train pull in
pull the doors apart
pretty much my last chance
if i feel i need to fart

lookin for a spot
that'll fit my walking sticks
i really doubt a long commute
gives anybody kicks

i'm yet to feel love
that i did for stanmore-stratty
will i ever reminisce
about me and parramatty?

Monday, December 07, 2009

A winning dialogue

Journalist: Well, Mac, what did you make of that match?
Benny: I played a match.
Journalist: Yes, but what are your thoughts on it? As you're speaking to me right now, why not give the viewers a chance to experience what you're feeling?
Benny: They can never know how I feel. I suppose they could come close, if they saw the meaning of this statement: a bird cries the truth.
Journalist: Are you trying to make a point about Tiger's marital transgressions?
Benny: Ah, eff off. Coldplay's second album is a good listen.