Friday, February 25, 2011

Wobbly earth

He sat on the fractured wall and watched the precursor to pandemonium, the scene that is not, but that when whipped up by time and other things becomes pandemonium.

The raw events - no intepretation, no narrative.

The raw events are replaced, overwhelmed - despite the ceaseless freefall into newness. But not much new, for now, can fight and beat this scene.

Things were vibrating as they always do. Some people walked and some fell. Some things also fell, sometimes on the people.

And the senselessness of it all occurred to him but he also observed that reality may be a mirror. There's sense and plenty of it, all sorts of it. More than enough to go round. Too much even.

But those were thoughts elsewhere and right now he saw the same single moment in its entirety. No time for sadness. Gravity meeting electrostatic repulsion, later to be dressed up.

So he held it all up and inspected it lovingly, turning it around and looking at it from different sides, alternately surprised, heartened, heartbroken, but at all times it gleamed like a diamond.

He put it in his pocket and felt it press against his thigh, and he pulled it out again and tossed it, freely, aside and walked on.

I hope the people in this photo don't mind me putting it here.