Monday, June 25, 2007

On the tyranny of Times New Roman

Times. The times they are a'changin’. Well why aren’t the times new roman a changing? F*ck you! I INTEND you.

wanted to die, but I knew that I could, so I waited to come smell silverwood.

Beauty who’s your assface?

When it’s to do. Full of fall your you’ll all fall on your face. Then eat some eggs. Pregnant by now. Poignant

What is with the dominance of Times New Roman font, and size 12 at that? This monopoly sickens me. No matter how pleasant a font is, being repeated ad infinitum must drag it inexorably towards unpleasantness. Wouldn't we all be better off with a variety of fonts? This debate of course is intimately related to the present oligopsony of software. Still, it says something about the chutzpah of TNR that it can be in our face for so long without drawing undue attention to itself.

Does anybody know what Akimbo is?

Fonts I like: the one used by author Douglas Hofstadter. Honourable mention to the one used by author Daniel Dennett.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Gentle Art of Impressions

Once again, I take my hat off to Frank Caliendo. He has good variety, and most importantly, he incorporates relevant jokes into his impressions e.g. Al Pacino's habit of turning kid's sayings into cool tough guy talk ('You sir, are a liar. Liar liar, your pants [beat] are on FIRE!').

It's really criminal to go to the trouble of learning the exquisitely fine details of someone's voice, cadence, facial expressions and body language if all you're going to do is repeat some famous catchphrase or line from a movie. You gotta take it to the next level.

When it comes to impression-worthy subjects, there's a predictable few that keep cropping up: Bobert De Niro, Cristobal Walken, Jack Nicholson, Arnold Schwarzenegger (though he doesn't really count). When you think about it, maybe this is the X factor for any aspiring young actor or actrix - acquire a distinctive or odd speech style.

While we're on the topic, we can't forget Hammertime's Brog favourite, New Zealand's own Tony Martin. He's been producing high quality impressions, along with a whole grab bag of champagne comedy, for over a decade now. He manages to do both locally relevant pollies and journos ('Peter Harvey, going down a slide') as well as international celebrities (Patrick Stewart at a McDonald's drive through comes to mind - towards the bottom of the page). He even combined Tony Soprano with Amanda Vanstone ("Amanda Vanstone is not herself", halfway down the page).


So I heard that Brett Whitely's The Olgas for Ernest Giles sold for $3.48 million the other day. This is considerably more than it cost to paint (to borrow a Micallef joke). Which brings me to my question for the day: surely art buyers should just invest, I don't know, $3.07 million in training themselves, saving a handsome $410,000 in the process, which they could then spend on Frank's Pizza. Alright, so it's not a question.

Monday, June 18, 2007

more YouTube

Funny Al Pacino impression from Frank Caliendo, about the 1:50 mark.

Another Pacino one from Aries Spears, with a few other good ones in there too.

Paula Abdul under the influence of something. I couldn't watch the whole thing.

More Caliendo.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

State of Origin

Well, Qld have won for the second year in a row. Herein the recriminations.

Neither team played particularly well. Both sides defended pretty darn well. Qld showed more attacking flair. Kimmorley played well, but didn't actually do anything. In fact, NSW showed very few interesting attacking plays.

Qld, well, they did enough. It's not often that you can say that about a SOO victory, but there we are. Perhaps this same NSW team will gel after a few games, but you don't get that luxury in Origin football.

Odd comments:
NSW didn't fold as usual in the second half. They still lost, but they're making progress.

Please, spare me the interview with the family of the debutant.
"So, Mr Stewart, are you proud of your son?"
"In fact I am. Why do you ask?
"Because TV tradition demands I do."
"Eff off"

(that would have been the appropriate response)

Allow me to comment on the lame Pepsi Max ad. OK, so two guys are picked up by Eva Longoria from Desperate Housewives. She announces she'll be spending a prolonged time with them and their reaction? Drink Pepsi. Please!! This could be a skit in a comedy show. The only response of some lame, lame guy to whatever life throws at him - swig from a carbonated beverage.

Very good rendition of the national anthem by Guy Sebastian. Ok, the guy may not be able to write a song, but he can flat out sing. Great voice. Hears to hoping he finds his Bernie Taupin.

Ben Ikin - worst commentator ever. I mean, he makes Fatty Vautin look like Mr Impartial. Can he offer anything of substance?
"I can feel a Queenslander victory."
"The hoodoo could be broken."
"Well how about that Lockyer? Are you glad you won?"
For chrissakes, who the hell is paying him? He offers nothing. And i'm being kind here.

Greg Inglis. No one can push this guy back. Has anyone else noticed this? He doesn't look that strong, but of all the players, he always makes ground, even when he hits the tacklers. Someone's gotta size him up and put him down sooner or later. Surely!

All in all, a rather disappointing finale. I'd go so far as to rate this one of the worst games ever. Tension, it had. Everything else, it didn't. Don't get me wrong, there's some amazing talents in this game. But they didn't show it.

I actually have a good feeling about game three. NSW will be looser, Qld will be looser because they'll actually be drunk during the game.

Bring on the regular season...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

He moves like water - powerful and yielding at the same time

None other than the muscles from Brussels!

While we're YouTubing, a recent fave is euonym. "Is what you meaning good? Is what ana meaning name?" What the hell is she talking about?

And finally Carl Lewis exercising some weak, weak muscles.

I must pay tribute to the Sports Guy, far and away my favourite writer right now. He is the source, if indirect, for the above links, and I reckon I could make a great column pretty much ripping off his topics.

He referred today to an old column he wrote comparing Cheers and Seinfeld. Apparently today's generation doesn't appreciate Cheers, or Ted Danson's comic and acting genius. Granted he was better than Jerry Seinfeld, but that's not hard. And yes, George Costanza was the greatest character in the history of TV.

Even Seinfeld jumped the shark though. This stems from an episode of Happy Days when the Fonz somehow cleared a shark, marking the point when the series passes from greatness into mediocrity, be it by slow decline or rapid drop.

Monday, June 04, 2007

A different perspective on science

All hail Artful Science! Whoooo!! This is my dedicated vehicle for a different (OK, my)perspective on science. It comes with a slightly more professional, slightly more serious and, failing that, slightly more sciencey bent.

If the future unfolds in one particular way, at Artful Science you'll find not just links to my stories, but the whole stories, and they'll all be categomorised so you can head straight to areas that interest you - erotic images, for example (seriously). There'll also be insight, opinion, diatribes, interviews and such, with a strong emphasis on such.


Meanwhile, it's been a long while since I've given any inkling of my science writing activities, so allow me to provide an update.

What's a genome got to do with flight?
Is the effect of the rhythm method slight?
Mercury's wobble means it's liquid, alright.
Aborigines didn't show up overnight.
War saves animals? If you don't fight.
Talking fish are quite a sight.
Hamster gets erection on international flight.
Tonal language gets genetic insight.