Sunday, March 04, 2007


And when the sun goes down into the sky
together we shall sit and we shall sup
and we shall eat and drink the heady wine.
Let us share the overflowing cup.

We'll ramble on the coast, each side by side.
We'll feel the sting of bracing, salty air.
We'll feel the moon pull at the ocean tide
and wonder that we are together there.

One day these things shall have to come to pass.
And then the end will come, as so it must.
No longer shall we smell the summer grass.
No longer shall we know each other's trust.

So let us walk and feel the cooling breeze
before they're just forgotten memories.

Those rather sombre words are from a crash test dummies song. Haunting yet upbeat. It hurts my soul, but I feel it's rather fluffy and lacks substance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It hurts my soul, but I feel it's fluffy and lacks substance?

How can you make two non-agreeing statements after a 'but'? Your toying with the 'but' formation is making me riled, confused, and ultimately, sad. - cw