Monday, June 04, 2007

A different perspective on science

All hail Artful Science! Whoooo!! This is my dedicated vehicle for a different (OK, my)perspective on science. It comes with a slightly more professional, slightly more serious and, failing that, slightly more sciencey bent.

If the future unfolds in one particular way, at Artful Science you'll find not just links to my stories, but the whole stories, and they'll all be categomorised so you can head straight to areas that interest you - erotic images, for example (seriously). There'll also be insight, opinion, diatribes, interviews and such, with a strong emphasis on such.


Meanwhile, it's been a long while since I've given any inkling of my science writing activities, so allow me to provide an update.

What's a genome got to do with flight?
Is the effect of the rhythm method slight?
Mercury's wobble means it's liquid, alright.
Aborigines didn't show up overnight.
War saves animals? If you don't fight.
Talking fish are quite a sight.
Hamster gets erection on international flight.
Tonal language gets genetic insight.

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