Many studies claim to show the factors which count in interpersonal attraction [citation needed]. Typically some blend of youth, symmetry and in males, relative power. If you want to know the average preferences of an average person, this might come in handy. But as the Surrealist Committee for Investigation of Claims of the Normal points out, it is exceedingly hard to find a typical, normal, average, standard person with likewise preferences. And to my mind, all the interesting things are left out of these studies anyway.
So what is hotness? Forgetting for the moment any deep philosophical discussion of the nature of hotness, let's start as any good scientist would, by producing some units. Consider the figure below, which I will dub the Hotness Scale.

On the X axis is Duration of Hotness. This is a simple chronorithmic scale, ranging from 1 second to 1 day, 1 month, a year and all the way up to a lifetime.
On the Hotness Scale, the letter A could refer to glancing at an attractive person in a magazine. B could be some kind of crush, while C represents my hotness rating of wifey.
We are all familiar with some typical trajectories on this figure. There's love at first sight, which starts off at a very deep level of hotness and continues. There's the slow and steady burn, which starts near the origin and follows a line roughly corresponding to the equation Y=X. There's the Friend to Lover transition, in which someone coasts for some time at minimal hotness (they may not even be on the Hotness Scale) before a sudden nonlinear episode kicks them into deeper waters. And there's the U-Turn, in which someone becomes less hot, sometimes very much so. This can happen anywhere on the Hotness Scale, but is most frequent in the lower left quadrant.
To my mind, anyone on the Hotness Scale is hot. What they all share in common is the ability to pass through the beholder's Hotness Filter. The Hotness Filter consists of a series of pores, each corresponding to some quality or trait in a person. Now you and I may both have a pore corresponding to eyes, or waist to hip ratio, or amount of denim worn, but they probably won't be the same shape. My denim filter may exclude people who wear double denim or greater. Yours may let these people pass through. So in accounting for taste, I want to know what dictates the shape of the many pores in someone's Hotness Filter.
In fact, there are several Hotness Filters. I counted at least five, and you don't necessarily pass through them in any particular order. They are
- Attention capture hotness. It could be an image on a screen, or walking past someone on the street. For a split second at least, someone has captured your attention because they are hot.
- Interaction hotness. Some people who pass the first filter get blocked here because of some information gleaned when you interact with them e.g. they stink, they vote Liberal, they care about politics etc.
- Contact hotness. Entering into quite close proximity with someone is another kind of filter. Pheromones start coming into it here.
- Going out hotness. Getting serious now. They have to pass the "I'm coming back for seconds" test here, among others.
- Commitment hotness. To love and to hold etc.
There is another aspect to this that I think we all understand quite intuitively, which I think of as a kind of temperature. At low 'temperatures' we are less likely to find someone hot e.g. while skydiving, when feeling nausea. At high 'temperatures' we are more likely to find someone hot e.g. alcohol, after two years of abstinence, after eating half a dozen oysters. (Nb. too many oysters probably turns the temperature down). Think of temperature as making the pores in the Hotness Filter bigger or smaller. Proximity and total eye gazing time may turn the temperature up.
There's also a kind of Hotness Geometry, involving the angle from which you view someone, the distance (1 cm vs 1 m vs through binoculars) and dimension (ie on paper/screen/photo vs in real life).
Well, all of this didn't get me any closer to understanding why people's Hotness Filter pores are the shapes they are. In fact, I started to wonder whether it even makes sense to speak of the independent existence of stable filters and pores. Could it be that the Hotness Filter is actually created when someone passes through it? Could the fluid interaction of beholder and beheld be decisive in shaping what we thought was something fixed and pre-existing? How very quantum if that were the case.
I had to end my cursory excursion into Hotness Theory there, as my stop came up.
Your pores reminded me of the Swiss cheese model used in plane-crash theory. I enjoyed this fine return to blogging. Your return, not mine.
I tried to rate myself on the scale. Not myself, of course, but my experience. My conclusion? Pehn! - cw
"Hey, keep your pores off of me, you gorilla. You discussed me, can I make it any planer?" Ah, how mysterious at times, the great unmutuality of attraction.
Yet your concluding reference to 'beholder' struck accord. In return for your insights I can but offer three famous and hopefully pertinent quotes:
"Beauty is in the I of the beholder" (Narcissus)
"I am beholden to no man" (Peter Brock)
"There are none so beautiful as those who will not see" (Judge Judy)
please expand on pehn cw
as for you anonymous, I would simply add that the Beehold is the finishing move of former pro wrestler Sting. It involves doing an elaborate dance to show the opponent where the honey is, then clonking him on the head with a two by four
Ouch, the Beehold, of course an excellent analogy: it produces an effect very similar to unrequited interpersonal attraction.
Bee still my beating heart...
I have never been so happy to score a 'c'.
What about the directionality of the passage through the pores? You may need a second law of hotness-dynamics.
I find your hotness filter theory is very much compatible with my theory of love relationships behaving much like plants - ie. you have to feed and water them for the relationship to florish. Perhaps only the 'seed' of the other passes through and they progress to the C level once they take root. Though that version of events sounds a bit backwards.
which comes first, the filter passing or the growing? perhaps our watering regime is a complicated function of hotness filter passage?
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