Monday, December 30, 2013

I haven't got a dream

It occurred to me recently that I do not have a dream. Not literally speaking; I dream all the time. But I don't have a life's mission, or even a series of personal banner headlines I'd like to make happen.

When did this happen? Surely I had a mission earlier in life. As a child, or a teen, or a budding young budder. Now, it seems I'm a buddha.

Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of things I like, and love. I've even written about them before. And I recently revisited this. I'm content most of the time, happy most of the time. Sure I get a little down in the dumps occasionally, but I fall within plus or minus two standard deviations of the rest of the population on this front, I'm almost certain.

So what am I to do? Find a dream? Be content not to dream? Make not having a dream my dream? Or just take a nap?

All correspondence to Letters 4 U 4 Eva, PO Box 668 Strawberry Mound NSW

1 comment:

Mick Vyse said...

how about sharing the secrets to your success so the rest of us can learn to practice your kind of Zen. I've got too many dreams and can't realise any of them cause I'm always busy moving on to the next one!