Saturday, February 03, 2007

Embarrassment, thy name be Klair Sowlitch

What woebegone utterances coughed out the mouth with the grace of a splutterer devoid of the ability to hit more than 14% of her notes. I've seen her before, and she wasn't this bad then. I love you now more than ever before. Before too long, that is. That's why I'm trying to tell you this.

I care that you hear about it. If you're gonna have half a chance in the wasteland you've inherited, you'd better listen to me now boyman. Pig man, Jerry! PIG MAAAANNN!!!!

It's kinda hard to write they way to make the right persona pay
That is why attention getters
Baseball dreamers clubbed bedwetters
Fall about as though in stream
With the great divine blue beam that's glowing softly in the light produced on such a black black night as this.
It lights the way.

Perry was going about the city, as he liked to call it, when the sun flashed out from clouds. Out shone the brutally warming sun. Shadows disappeared, light abounded and warmth was to be had when the rays caught his cheek. As he paused to feel the gently scorching sun he noticed something. A man he knew, a homeless man walked past with his down hat, flat back and cane.
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The weather was fine and the homeless man, known to Perry as Smeeghwell Tops but to others as Papa Subu'tx, calmly reminded Perry of the ransack he had planned for tonight. Perry confided that he actually had a few other things to do, but if he saw him out and about he'd wish him well and give him some wine.
You see, Perry adhered to the belief that the juice of life that is to be quenched with gusto could only be obtained in the Woodside Fruit Orchard, meaning that it's good to give people wine when you're out and about.
This was just another night in Chicado, the city at the hub of the post-apocalyptic rebirth, with 12 people.
All my life, I have carried the aching and bruising need to
1) have brain surgery
2) burn
3) burn for you
4) confide my darkst inner fears to strangers, often embracing dogs that catch my eye. The eye may be caught under the following circumstances: use a good bait: member of opposite sex, complex pattern, dyin butterflies. When casting reel, try not to flex abs, as this can cause whiplash to passers by. Once caught, the eye fights mightily to retain her place in the sea of her socket, but with persistence, she will eventually tire and snag herself on a sea cucumber. 5) reduce waste
6) reduce my waste


Hamish Clarke said...

Faulting blog content is a national pastime. I do it every day, and like my fellow Australians passed I'm.

How sweet it is to be loved by you. My glucosepie, mon cherie.

I am working on an article at the moment, and I invite the readers of --> this <-- to help me. A quotation in Cosmos magazine could await the lucky respondent!


Hamish Clarke said...

The question is: what device will win Richard Branson's Earth Challenge Prize? It must show considerable potential to directly decrease COtwo emissions in the long term. Wineer gets $25m clams.
