Friday, October 05, 2007

To collect or not

Have you noticed that there's sometimes a noisy desperation to collect things? It be household items, witty sayings, computer files or loved ones and more. I think this can be traced back to the time when we were sea cows, and in order to survive against the mad dugongs, it paid to stockpile resources. Of course, in our current evolutionary environment this is preposterous, maladaptive even.

So when you find yourself having things, and wanting to keep things, or perhaps not lose them or smash them, take three steps back, inhale deeply and, after a while, exhale. It's ok. So long as you have your mind, and the people, and lots of cash, everything will be fine.

It reminds me a little of the joke about the man with everything. What do you give a man with everything? Medication, because if he has everything, he has the bubonic plague and anthrax. Kills me every time.

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