Thursday, July 31, 2008

This dream I had

  1. Simple enough. Darkened stair well, metal grate with railing. Bottom lighting. Near the bottom step sits a red hairy behemoth. Red monster has a briefcase. Is waiting. This is the dream I had the other night. The dream was real strong - I'd had a busy, memorable, sociable and drunken evening, and my dreammaker was somehow so loaded up with energy and material that I fell straight and deep and clear into this one. Emotions from the dream were: strangeness, fear, incredulity, helplessness, absurdity, curiosity. I almost recognised myself. I felt resigned to my strange fate, but that could have been a mistake. The dream might have revealed nothing.
  2. This wasn't a dream peopled by persons. Obviously the human touch was there though, because of the strong emotional feel of the dream. But it was basically me just wondering about, but I can't for the life of it remember where. All that remains is this bizarre scene.
  3. I may have mentioned this before - call it sympathetic pregnesia - but you know how sometimes you're in that sleepy state of wakefulness, where you have access to all kinds of past dream memories? It's like they're on tap. You can roll through vistas, landscapes, pathways, very often modified versions of real places, you can get the strange shock of remembering a recurring dream that was previously hidden to your conscious self, you can bring back those feelings. There's not many other kinds of memories that can be evoked so fully. What an oddball tour. Mine includes another version of my high school, trains, underground city food courts... I just remembered another class of dream that doesn't actually fit neatly into this evocative set - it's the dream I have where I'm playing basketball, and I can jump real high, with real big hang time, multiple pump fakes and all that. Haven't had one of those for a while. No strong emotions attached to those, I don't know why.
  4. The other night I had the most vivid dream of a massive shelf of ice falling into the sea.

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