Sunday, October 19, 2008

Black Swan Eggs with Anchovies

So I'm reading the Black Swan, by Nassim 'Poledancer' Taleb. It fits nicely into the category of 'idea books' I often go searching for. The idea is this: certain events are rare, completely unpredictable and highly consequential - so consequential that they dominate personal, social and political history. But we never take this knowledge into account. He also says that basically a lot more is random and non-narrative than we tell ourselves (in our narratives). I'm up to page 71 and am enjoying it. However, I recently read an 'essay' by Taleb called the Fourth Quadrant at, which purports to talk about the economic horror meltdown disaster crisis. It's really poorly written, unlike the book.

And today I finally made, at my life partner's urging, the egg salad from jamie oliver's cookbook. It's hard boiled eggs, lemony mayo, anchovies and alfalfa and it rocks. Simple and surprising, I'll definitely do it again.

Bob Dylan was such a genius, oh shit I don't know how he could take it.

Aber als die Praktikanten eintreten...

Joan As Policewoman. Gotta hand it to her for the out there band title, it's right up my alley. Though I would have preferred Joan Policewoman As. Would you believe she's highly reminiscent of Phoebe Snow. I won't google that, but I bet I'm not the first to think it. Does the JAP-->Phoebe Snow thought in my head look the same as in other people's heads? Reminds me of listening to Snow on my dad's old LP player, Either or Both, Poetry Man. Just real sweet, laid back, a little lovelorn. Those songs, that you know so well, that evoke those memories, even though you never come back to or buy them for yourself, form their own little class.

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